"This Fall will be our third year attending and sponsoring CHPRMS’s annual conference and doing so is a “no brainer” for us. There is no better avenue to present our products and develop relationships with its members like this conference. Each year, we have increased our investment in this conference because we continue to see the ROI from the efforts. We look forward to seeing everyone in Asheville.” - Nan Gray, Spectrum Reach
2024 Sponsorship Information
The Carolinas Healthcare Public Relations and Marketing Society invites you to join us as an annual sponsor, showcasing your organization to healthcare marketers, communicators, PR professionals, creatives, and strategists from across several states. Our sponsorship packages include visibility throughout the calendar year, with prominent visibility being at our premier event, our 2024 Annual Conference in Charleston, SC from November 20 - 22, 2024.
Who Should Participate?
If you would like to have your company and its services showcased in front of the leading hospitals, health systems, and healthcare organizations across the Carolinas, the CHPRMS Annual Conference is the place for you. Advertising and PR agencies, marketing consultants, digital firms, design companies, web developers, publication houses, media companies, payers and promotional item vendors are all a good fit for CHPRMS’ audience. CHPRMS attracts a powerful blend of marketing, PR, and communications professionals from large medical centers, academic institutions, regional hospitals, community hospitals, medical practices, and other healthcare organizations.
Conference Attendance
The 2023 conference in Asheville, NC, drew 150 attendees. It was one of our most successful conferences to date! A full attendee list is provided to all exhibitors and sponsors two weeks prior to the conference and one week post conference (to be sure all last-minute attendees are included). This list will include names, titles and email addresses for the exhibitors to use with limited restrictions.
2024 Conference Sponsors